Outer Senshi Talisman Page
Uranus' Space Sword |
Pluto's Garnet Orb |
Neptune's Mirror |
There are four Outer Senshi: Sailor Saturn, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, and Sailor Pluto. Three of these senshi each possess a talisman. Sailor Uranus possesses the Space Sword, Sailor Neptune possesses the Aqua Mirror, and Sailor Pluto possesses the Garnet
Orb. Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus search for the talismans when they first appear. The talismans are important because they are the key to the Death Busters mission. When they combine they form the Holy Grail, which can destroy the world. The Death Busters are the villains also searching for the talismans.
There is a legend behind the three talismans. In a traditional Japanese legend, the story of the creation of Japan. When the sun goddess Amaterasu was made the ruler of heaven, she ordered her grandson, Ninigi, to descend from heaven and establish the rule of his family on earth. She gave him three sacred objects - a mirror, a long sword, and a curved jewel - as symbols of his authority. Ninigi's grandson, Jimmu Tenno, according to the story, became the first emperor of Japan in 660 B.C.
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