Sirius Starlite Links

Welcome to the Starlite Links of Sailor Moon, alphabetised in categories. If you want me to add your page to the list of links, please send me the URL of your page, the title, and the type. Please put LINK in the subject of the e-mail. Mail me to add your link. I'd appreciate if you'd please link back to my page as a favour.


Recommended Sailor Moon Pages

Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon Official Homepage
...The official page of the Sailor Moon series, includes new drawings by Takeuchi Naoko.

Hitoshi Doi's Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Page
...The complete Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon guide.

Annie's Sailor Moon Image Shrine
...Great images

Bunny's Tour Through The Silver Millenium
...A creative and extensive guide through the realm of Sailor Moon.

Lycentia's SM Web Graphics Shop
...Amazing graphics

Meatball Head Moon Page
...Extensive information on the characters and seasons of Sailor Moon.
...A fun and interactive site with great information and shopping.

The Moon Garden
...In-depth information, images, and more about the manga version of Sailor Moon.

A Gateway to Sailor Moon: Links to the Sailor Moon Universe
...Extensive linkage to Sailor Moon pages, categorised for convenience

...Wonderful image galleries

Usagi and
...A dedication to the undying love of Usagi and Mamoru.

Static Sailor Moon Pages

Bab's Cool SailorMoon Page - English version

Carmen's Sailormoon Shrine - English version

Dark Side of the Moon - **Static, but Great info on the villains of Sailor Moon

Eternal Melody of Sailormoon - Music, Fanfic, and a Club!

Iky's Outer Senshi Page

Jealousy - A Romantic Sailor Moon Shrine

Mamochan's Sailor Moon Homepage

Mizu-hime's Moon Palace

Moon Goddess' Sailor Moon Site - Static, but it has good images and info (check out her main page as well

Nightfall Sailor Moon

The Sailormoon Nebula

Fan Fics

Arctic's Sailor Moon Fanfic Page - Hasn't been updated since 1997.. but still pretty good!

Sailor Knight's Castle Fanfiction

The Second Light - Associated with The Tour, **Excellent fanfics

Rush's Sailor Moon Fanfic Page

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