Pluto Shrine

Shrine to the Mysterious Senshi

Sailor Pluto's real name is Meiou Setsuna (–»‰¤‚¹‚‚È). She was born on October 29. Her astrological sign is Scorpio, and her blood type is A. Her dream is to become a designer.

  • Her favourite color is dark red.
  • Her favourite food is green tea.
  • Her favourite school subject is physics.

Least Favourites:
  • Her least favourite food is eggplant.
  • Her least favourite school subject is music.
  • She hates cockroaches.

  • Shopping
  • Sewing


Sailor Pluto is shrouded in mystery, for she has a very reserved personality. She controls the Gates of Time, she can travel in time, and her attacks are centered around the Gates of Time. Sailor Pluto has a crush on Prince Endymion, but she never pursues him because of his relationship with Princess Serenity. She first appears in Sailor Moon R along with Chibi-usa. She is in the Luna-P ball's video window and helps Chibi-usa time travel. Her true identity as Meiou Setsuna is revealed in Sailor Moon S. She is the only senshi who was not reincarnated, and she is the oldest of all the senshi, even older than she looks. Chibi-usa calls her by the nickname Puu... Pu is also the abbreviation on the Periodic Table of Elements for plutonium.


Dead Scream A silent attack which sends a blast to attack the enemy.
Dark Dome Close Used to close the Gates of Time, used only in the manga.
Time StopPluto's Forbidden Attack.

Picture Gallery

Pluto and the Time Key
Setsuna in School Uniform
Pluto in Starry Background (opening theme)
Card of Pluto and the Garnet Orb
Manga of Sailor Pluto in two views
Manga of Setsuna in Black Dress

"Give me the strength! Seal this forbidden crack and opening! DARK DOME CLOSE!!"
At the center of the rift, a gate appeared as a seal, through which the stuff from the alien system started swirling back from whence they came. Slowly, as the gate closed, the figure of Saturn started to fade. Finally the gate closed completely as the crack was sealed, and faded away..
~Act 33, Sailor Moon S Manga

Page Last Updated: 2003 December 16
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